How Informed Consent Impacts Surgery Malpractice Outcomes

Informed consent requires that a patient understand the risks, benefits, and alternatives of a medical procedure, however, it remains a significant liability concern for surgeons. Learn more from this new article from CRICO that looks at MPL surgical data.

By Hannah Tremont, MPH

JULY 2024

Upgrade Without Upheaval: Evolving the Customer Experience Through Payments

A new article from InvoiceCloud discusses how MPL carriers can reduce operational expenses without disrupting short-staffed operations or burdening their hospital and physician clients by employing a high-impact, low-effort strategy to digitize billing, premium collections, and outbound payments.

By Kevin Moon

JULY 2024

Esoteric ABS: Opportunities for Quality, Yield, and Diversification in MPL Portfolios

Insurers navigating market volatility are increasingly seeking asset class distinctive yield opportunities, portfolio diversification, and the potential to enhance portfolio quality—and esoteric asset-backed securities (ABS) are an asset class garnering attention that meets these criteria.

By Mike Nowakowski

JULY 2024
Tech Talk

Adapting to Change: Strategies for MPL Insurers in 2024

The medical professional liability industry is undergoing a period of transformation that includes both technological and business evolution. Read more about this growth, including challenges and solutions in a new article from Sapiens.

By Jiffy Thomas

JULY 2024

Waiting for the MGA-MGU MPL Industry Revolution

The past decade has seen a quiet revolution in the provision of many lines of insurance, with managing general agents and managing general underwriters luring talent from insurance companies. Read more to learn how the MPL market has been affected by this change.

By William Pitt

JUNE 2024

Medical Professional Liability Industry Overview and Analysis

The Association released the MPL Insurance Sector Report: 2023 Financial Results Analysis and 2024 Financial Outlook, which explores the industry’s key financial metrics for 2023, most notably, financial performance, premium growth, accident-year loss ratios, and reserve changes in prior accident years.

By Bill Burns, ACAS, MAAA and Kwon Miller

JUNE 2024
Tech Talk

How to Navigate Tech Project Implementation and Avoid Burnout

This article is the second part of a four-part series around the people behind new technology implementations and explores the reasons for burnout and how to help your coworkers, employees, and yourself with burnout.

By Mat Winter and Dr. Brittney Murray

JUNE 2024

When and How to Terminate a Patient Relationship Due to Lack of Cooperation

Sometimes situations arise and healthcare professionals are tempted to terminate the provider-patient relationship. However, because there is a duty of care for patient, clinicians need to carefully consider all options before making the decision to terminate the patient relationship.

By Shirin Slabbers

JUNE 2024

2023 Financial Results

According to a look at the 2023 financial results for the MPL sector from Milliman, frequency continues to hold severity in check…for now. The authors say that, in many ways, the trajectory of 2023 was similar to 2022 for the medical professional liability industry.

By Eric J. Wunder and Zachary A. Fischer

MAY 2024

What’s Happening in the Courtroom?

With megaverdicts rising, the MPL landscape continues to shift: Increasing social inflation, a changing jury pool, the rising influence of generative AI, and the coming retirement wave of experienced MPL defense attorneys may all play a role in increasing severity.

By Amy Buttell

MAY 2024

Will the Increase in Advance Practice Providers Impact MPL Risk Management?

Recent increases in the number of Advance Practice Providers have accelerated a trend that isn’t likely to end anytime soon, and this change is occurring not just in the US, but in a variety of jurisdictions around the world. APPs occupy a variety of roles that are stretching to provide needed care for aging and sick populations.

By Amy Buttell

MAY 2024

2013-2022 Indemnity Payments By Resolution Type

The MPL Association Data Sharing Project looks at MPL claims that were closed with or without an indemnity payment and the average indemnity paid through early offers, settlements, arbitration, and verdicts for the plaintiff based on the nature of the specialty, allegation, severity of injury, outcome, and patient age.

MAY 2024

Evaluating the Case for US High Yield for Insurance Companies

High yield serves an important role in income generation for insurance portfolios, providing diversified income streams versus traditional core fixed income. Learn more in this article from DWS.

By Jason Chen, Bernie Ryan, and Katherine Klein

APRIL 2024

Impact of Sebble v. St. Luke's #2 on Medical Malpractice Litigation in Louisiana

A recent decision from the Louisiana Supreme Court offers guidance for certain MPL cases in the wake of the pandemic, as well as for future litigation involving the issue of immunity of healthcare providers for malpractice occurring during a declared state of public emergency. Learn more in this new Case and Comment.

By Bruce Cranner and Magdalena Majka

Premium Content
APRIL 2024